第1项 No Poverty;
第5项 Gender Equality;
第11项Sustainable Cities and Communities;
第16项 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions。
一周线上培训(How to work in diverse groups)+两周调研活动(其中包括双方教师的集中指导以及学生团队自行安排开展的组会)
1. 全日制在校生;
2. 学习成绩优秀;
3. 具备良好的英语水平,语言能力证明请务必在申请系统上传;
4. 有志于未来参与国际组织实习或工作。
2. 填写完成“2021 Warwick-SJTU Global Challenge Summer Program Application Form申请表格”并上传至网申系统附件部分。
1. When will the activity take place?
The activity will take place over three weeks in July.
2. What will I be doing?
Your team of 4-6 students from Warwick and SJTU will jointly devise a research challenge within one of the SDG themes above, then work together to plan and execute your research project, with input, advice and guidance from academics at both universities. You will then present your findings to a public audience at a virtual event.
3. Who will I be working with?
You will work in mixed teams of Warwick and SJTU students from a range of disciplinary backgrounds, guided by academics from a broad range of departments at both institutions.
4. How much input will I get from academic staff?
Throughout the project, you will receive advice and guidance on research methodology, project planning, sources of information and presentation from a group of academics at Warwick and SJTU with a range of disciplinary expertise. These will be provided formally through scheduled group guidance sessions and informally as needed.
5. How much time will I need to commit to the activity?
Over the three-week period of the activity, you will be expected to attend at least four guidance sessions of up to two hours each with Warwick and SJTU academics. To make these sessions accessible for students in both the UK and China, most will take place between 09.00-11.00 in the UK (GMT+1hr)/16.00-18.00 in China (GMT+8hrs). Between these formal sessions, you will also need to arrange your own informal meetings within your team and communicate regularly among yourselves to progress your project. You should allow approximately four hours per day for this.
6. What will I need to know or bring to my team?
Just yourself and your learning from your course! Everyone will bring a different perspective and set of experiences/expertise to the project so there are no prerequisites, other than lots of enthusiasm for the topic.
7. What will I get out of it?
•Plenty of intercultural experiences (e.g. working in multicultural teams, scheduling group meetings across multiple time zones, understanding communication etiquette in different cultures, communicating ideas across cultures, explaining your cultural context to others… the list goes on and on!)
•Interdisciplinary research skills (devising, carrying out and presenting the outputs of a research project)
•Presentation skills at virtual events
•A statement of participation and completion of the program
•A whole set of different perspectives on issues of great relevance to all of us
•A new set of friends and contacts in different departments at Warwick and SJTU!